Classic sauerkraut

German cuisine

Fermentation is an ancient method of preservation. It is the process responsible for many of our favorite foods & beverages including beer, bread, cheese, miso, salami, wine, and yogurt. The fermentation of vegetables is created by a process called lacto-fermentation, which enables us to preserve raw, vitamin-rich, locally-grown food during its peak season. We refer to this process as “cultured pickling” to differentiate from pickling vegetables in vinegar, another preservation technique that gained popularity with the rise of commercially distributed foods. Comparatively, cultured foods retain live bacteria, yeasts, and enzymes, like this classic sauerkraut. <br /> <br />This recipe comes from Preserved, a kitchen shop in Oakland, California that's supported by the <a href="">Triscuit Maker Fund</a>.

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:49 a.m.



