Cinnamon & sugar crackers


Let’s talk my favorite holiday subject: presents!! Look, I know I’m supposed to act all adult-like and humble and and be like, “Me? Nah…I don’t need a present. Don’t get me a present. I have everything I need…” But can we be honest? I love presents. And sure I do have most things I need, but I still have wants. Duh. I like that someone got in their car, went somewhere, picked something out just for me. I like that someone wrapped something, put a bow on it…just for me. Presents–when thoughtful–feel warm and sweet, and are just plain awesome. If someone baked me something, put it in a glass jar, learned how to make a pom-pom (just for me!) and gave it to me…swoon. Seriously, can we get friend married? The only thing better than getting presents (maybe?) is giving presents. The art of gift-giving is one of my all-time favorite things ever. A few years ago, when I worked at a production company, the executives learned of my strange talent and assigned me the challenge to find the weirdest most interesting, lavish gifts for our high-profile, celebrity clients. I have to say that shopping for celebrities with a …

Oct. 1, 2021, 12:03 p.m.



