How to cook:

"Vegetable soup"

(960) recipes

Brunch gazpacho shooters with cheesy everything toast dippers #brunchweek

These adorable little Brunch Gazpacho Shooters are a fabulous way to celebrate the bounty that is summer produce!

Avgolemono soup

This Lemon Rice and Chicken Soup also known as Avgolemono is a classic Greek soup with eggs, loaded with rice, chicken and flavored with lots of lemon.




Easy minestrone soup

This 30 Minute Minestrone Soup is an easy, healthy meal. Vegetarian, dairy-free and gluten-free options! Make ahead and freezer friendly.

Slow cooker summer minestrone soup

This light Slow Cooker Summer Minestrone soup has amazing flavor and makes enough for days!

1-pot vegan minestrone (gluten-free)

Easy, 1-pot vegan and gluten-free Minestrone! Simple, wholesome ingredients and 30 minutes to prepare. SO delicious and perfect for fall and winter!


This gazpacho recipe is the perfect use for all of those wonderful garden vegetables this summer!

Minestrone soup

Minestrone Soup recipe - Loaded with vegetables, a little potato and beans.

Watermelon gazpacho & the weekend whisk ~ #firstonthefirst

Gazpacho gets a makeover with watermelon as the star makes for a cool, refreshing and slightly spicy summer soup.

Southern minestrone

Southern Minestrone is chock full of ground beef, collard greens, and lima beans for a hearty meal southern style. You can spice it up with a little tabasco.

Winter minestrone soup with swiss chard and sausage [holiday recipe exchange]

Winter Minestrone featuring swiss chard and baby bella mushrooms with a hint of Italian Sausage for an extra burst of flavor.