Kolokithakia gemista (stuffed courgettes) with avgolemono sauce

Vegetable soup

Zucchini's are in season and I have been looking for new tasty recipes to try. Peter's post on Kalofagas for ' Stuffed Courgettes (Kolokithakia Gemista) With Avgolemeno Sauce ' was inspiring. It combines several of my favorite flavours including lemon, dill, and mint with the zucchini. The stuffed zucchini's are a bit of work but they are a one dish meal. The stuffed zucchini's go well with the avgolemono sauce both flavour wise and ingredient wise. The egg whites left over from the avgolemono sauce can be thrown into the zucchini stuffing and the stock that is used to simmer

Oct. 1, 2021, 12:01 p.m.



