"sweet heat" grilled prosciutto and smoked gouda sandwich (with spicy plum chutney and crispy onions)



SMOKED AND CURED ingredients have historically meant preservation during long, harsh winters, while the hearty bulk of whole-grain bread provides lasting energy to get through the day. Here, smoked Dutch gouda and air-dried prosciutto lend depth to a grilled sandwich that’s kissed by the surprising sweet heat of plum chutney. Held between slices of seeded rye with a caramelized onion crust, the smooth, creamy cheese gets a textural boost from a final sprinkling of crispy onion, a popular and versatile garnish for Scandinavian street food. As the days shorten and the cold sets in, with this smoky-sweet sandwich in my repertoire, I’m ready. Something tells me, though, I’ll be making these well past the thaw. I hope you will, too. [NOTES: For this sandwich, I used the excellent “Spicy Plum Chutney” from The Virginia Chutney Co. It’s well worth the effort of ordering: http://www.virginiachutney.com. As for the onions, look for Lars’ Own, the all-natural, imported crispy onions that I found at Whole Foods. They are deeply golden with a pleasant crunch, are crumbled in nice-sized bits, and have an appropriate onion-y (not just fried) flavor. If you can’t find them in your favorite specialty food store, you can order them directly: http://www.larsown.com. (Lars’ Own is a Dutch company specializing in traditional Scandinavian and Northern European foods.) I suppose you could also test-drive the sandwich with French’s brand fried onions, but to date I haven’t attempted this—in part because I am not a fan of buying products whose ingredients unnecessarily contain the suffix -ose.]

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:50 a.m.



