How to cook:


(15,925) recipes

Herb focaccia bread

Hey y’all! Jennifer ( here. Today I am sharing this amazingly delicious Herbed Focaccia Bread recipe. My herb garden is going crazy right now and I am always looking for new recipes to make to share with friends and family. This on...

How to make a bread machine recipe by hand

A quick & simple guide to refer to when you want to make a bread machine recipe by hand. Easy bread maker conversion!

Apple cinnamon twisted danish bread

I love making bread – I always have.  I used to make it all the time before my husband passed away 2 years ago, but when he died… I stopped doing a lot of things that I loved to do for a very long time. Making bread was one of them. Before Mike passe...

Spicy cheese bread

Spicy Cheese Bread - speckled with red pepper flakes, stuffed with 2 kinds of cheese, rolled into a giant swirl, & baked to perfection.

Irish brown bread

This Irish Brown Bread is so full of flavor and very hearty. It’s my favorite bread for dunking in stews and such because it stands up well it to it.  Baking bread has long been one of my favorite things to do. When I’m feeling stressed, making bread...

Gingerbread apple cobbler

This gingerbread apple cobbler has layers of apple pie filling, soft gingerbread and crunchy pecan streusel for an easy to prepare, family friendly dessert.

Bread pudding

Old Fashioned Bread Pudding with raisins. A warm, comforting ending to any meal on cold fall and winter evenings.

Whole wheat sourdough bread

Step-by-step recipe for Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread along with instructions for making a sourdough starter with wild yeast.

Brown irish soda bread

Brown Irish Soda Bread - An authentic recipe for traditional brown Irish soda bread. So nice for your St. Patrick's Day menu.

Cheesy onion and herb bread

Cheesy Onion and Herb Bread is a great side for pasta dinners or for a summer barbecue. Make plenty because guests always want seconds!