How to cook:


(2,379) recipes

How to teach your children good manners at a restaurant

Picture a beautiful couple sitting in their favorite corner of the restaurant in which they got engaged. The lighting was perfect and the lobster divine. As they raise a glass of wine to toast their tenth anniversary, a G.I. Joe comes whizzing by the...

11 ways to use tea tree oil

Tea Tree Oil is an important essential oil to have in your home! It's uses are pretty amazing! Who would have thought that something so powerful would come in such a small package? It's been thought that Aborigines of Australia have used the leaves f...

7 ways to teach children gratitude

It's too easy for children and adults alike (myself included) to focus on the things they want or the things that are negative in the world. Gratitude brings an element of positivity to the day that can mold how the day progresses. With Thanksgiving ...

Teaching kids how to deal with bullying

Teaching kids how to deal with bullying involves much more than telling them to go to an adult. Children who never learn to deal with bullies on their own can fail to develop a healthy sense of independence or self-worth. Bullying can actually grow i...

6 ways to teach kids about money

6 Ways to Teach Kids about Money Pretty much every parent ends up having to teach their children about money eventually, but few embrace the idea. Why would they? Kids understand money only to the point that it benefits them and it goes through their...

6 ways to teach kids about recycling

Here are 6 Ways To Teach Kids About Recycling that are sure to become a fun part of your Earth Day adventure as well as leave a lasting effect on their lives and the life of our planet

Jazz up your iced tea with essential oils!

Adding essential oils to your iced tea (or your water) not only provides a punch of flavor, but can help to support your immune system, give you an energy boost and more!

6 basic manners you should teach your children

6 Basic Manners That You Should Be Teaching Your Children - at least if you ever plan on taking them out in public!

Ginger peach green tea smoothie

This quick and refreshing Ginger Peach Green Tea Smoothie is packed with healthy antioxidants plus it has a subtle kick from freshly grated ginger. 

Cranberry tea spritzers

Cranberry Tea Spritzers are the perfect thirst quencher for summer evenings.