Black sticky rice pudding


Glutinous rice or also known as a sticky rice is a type of rice grown mainly in Southeast or East Asia. Beside the white variety, there’s another variety with a deep, dark purple colour. Despite the name, this rice contains no gluten. Although the rice has a dark-purple colour and not black, people called it black sticky rice. This black rice type usually eaten as a dessert, the rice boiled until soft then it served with coconut milk and palm sugar. Although using the same ingredients, but it can serve in a different way, in Thailand this usually eaten as a rice pudding while in Indonesia or Malaysia this often served in congee style (more watery almost like a thick soup). I grew up eating this sweet congee style for breakfast or afternoon snack and my mum like to mix it up with mung bean. My mum usually cook this dessert in a big batch, we eat the warm congee for breakfast, then she cooling down the congee and put it in the fridge and I prefer to eat it cold than hot. I was amazed when I discovered there’s another version of this dessert from Vietnam, it called Sua …

Oct. 1, 2021, 12:06 p.m.



