Roasted asparagus and sunflower seeds with spinach-walnut pesto

Roast Italian cuisine


Like I mentioned the other day, Mike is on Spring break. Lucky for me, I was able to take off time to spend with him. Unlucky for me, so far his break has consisted of wearing the same sweatpants and sweatshirt for the past three days, lying on the couch, watching Law and Order: SVU reruns, watching an entire day’s worth of Opening Day baseball games while checking up on his two fantasy baseball leagues, and napping. Exciting, right? I don’t know what I thought we would be doing, but watching Mike laze-away the day was not it. We are in the middle of the week before we get paid. My parents’ referred to this as lean week when we were growing up. It is too bad that lean week happened to fall on the week Mike has Spring break. We are now referring to Spring break as “Spring Broke.” Until Friday comes, we are cooking every meal at home. While trying to stretch what is left of last week’s groceries, I came up with this gem. The asparagus tossed in the pesto sauce makes a great, easy side dish. What was even nicer, is the next day, I chopped …

Oct. 1, 2021, 12:03 p.m.



