Crispy baked sriracha wings

Hot sauces


Today is a special day in the Sarcastic Cooking family! My younger brother, Nick, is turning the big 3-0! Having just turned this wonderful age last year, I know what a big deal this birthday is. In true Nick fashion, we are going to celebrate by making and eating spicy chicken wings! Against my Mom’s advice, I am posting a meat recipe on a Friday during Lent. Gasp! I think we are a few of the only people that still uphold the no meat on Fridays thing. So this recipe is for all of you heathens. Kidding! For those of you who may know my brother, you know that he loves spicy food! He in fact has taken that blazin’ wing challenge at Buffalo Wild Wings on more than one occasion because, if there is one thing my brother loves more than spice, it is free stuff! I like to think this ability to eat a raw habanero pepper without blinking comes from years of abuse—I  mean, training—from me and my other brother. I told you guys before about our cayenne pepper toothpaste and water concoctions that Nick would drink for money. Well, money he is still owed, so let’s …

Oct. 1, 2021, 12:03 p.m.



