Beer battered french fries aka crack fries

Alcoholic beverages

A riff off of HopCat’s Crack Fries, these beer battered French fries are seriously as addictive as crack. So to speak. I dare you to just have one! I guess you could say I have become a semi-beer connoisseur over the last year. I would, without a doubt, say I have always been a cheese connoisseur. Um, like duh, I have stated my love of cheese in my About Me page. So, this recipe seems kind of fitting, right? The missing potato link in the cheese + beer equation belongs to my little baby boy, Jack. HE is the ultimate fry connoisseur. Lemme tell you about what fries are good in his book. He loves: McDonald’s Wendy’s Give or take a few local places… The list is short. It is not very uniform. He likes peeled French fries and rustic, skin-on fries. The main things he cares about are crunch and salt. Yes, I am raising a totally health-conscious child. He eats fruit and chick peas to offset the fry and nugget diet he has been living off of for almost a year now. I mean, honestly. With Andy I gave him all fruits and veggies and different meats for …

Oct. 1, 2021, 12:03 p.m.



