Grain-free pumpkin dog treats


A few weeks ago I was in the passenger seat, staring at Amelia’s reflection in the side mirror. Half of her body was hanging out of the window, tongue wagging in the wind and she was so content and so so silly looking. I was jealous. I turned around and roughly pet her on her head and told her she was cute and that her ears were so big that she should be embarrassed. In that moment I decided to see what all the fuss was about and rolled down my window, took my seatbelt off and stuck my head out the window. And you guyssss….it felt amazing. The cool autumn-ish wind was delicious. I turned my head behind me to see Amelia looking at me with a bit of confusion but I think deep down she was like, I told you so. I feel a little at one with my demon-corgi-pile-of-cuteness so I decided to whip her up some treats with some extra pumpkin I had in the fridge. If you’re at all baking or cooking with pumpkin, you’ll notice that most recipes don’t call for a whole can, which leaves you with a good amount of pumpkin that …

Oct. 1, 2021, 12:03 p.m.



