Vegetable dip


HOW DOES the CT “garden” grow? With ideas from readers all in a row! This savory centerpiece is a fine example. From two different parts of the country, subscribers, Wanda and Eleanor planted the seeds for the flowery design when they individually offered their kitchen best. Wanda got things going by sharing how she shapes yellow summer squash into fresh flower garnishes. That notion impressed our home economists so much that they started sprouting all sorts of buds carved from other veggies, then poked skewers into the cut-up creations, covered the skewers with green onion tops and arranged a tasty bouquet fit for a friendly buffet. Eleanor lent a helping hand by contributing a delectable dip to round off the edible centerpiece. (We spooned her mixture into little clay pots lined with paper cups for individual servings for dipping the veggie flowers.) Go ahead and arrange a bunch of flowers and dip for your next happy gathering…and be prepared to reap smiles aplenty!

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:52 a.m.



