The secret of "pasta ceci"

Pasta and macaroni Italian cuisine

Since living in Rome I have been trying to work out what makes the pasta ceci here so delicious. I have experimented with all sorts of combinations, and asked advice from many people. Most advised garlic and rosemary as the essential ingredients, but still this lacked the special something I had noticed in various especially good versions. <br />So I plucked up the courage to ask the mother of a friend, whose pasta ceci is “strabuono” and she generously offered to make it when I was at her house. I did a little dabbling with it so it would be lighter for the summer months, but basically it's Pina's recipe. Nothing can beat this for cheap and better than good, comforting and yet not heavy, so even when consumed, in moderation on a hot summer night, it is satisfying. <br />This is a food that is eaten in the popular restaurants in Rome and one notices in Italian films from the 50s, 60s and 70s like “C’eravamo tanto amati” and has a legendary quality.

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:50 a.m.




the secret of
