Susan's health bomb muffins

Cupcakes and muffins

My friend has made these many times and adapted the original recipe over the years and emailed me the recipe a couple of years ago, saying "I HAVE TO MAKE THEM!". I have used her adapted recipe for this. I was able to buy most of the ingredients and the amount I needed for a very good price by going to the bulk section of one of our grocery stores here. <br />I actually found this a lot easier to make than expected. I had my daughter help me shred the carrots for it since we have two vegetable peelers, and I also used applesauce per Susan’s directions instead of peeling and chopping a bunch of apples. These muffins are absolutely delicious!!! And, they have flaxseed meal and oat bran in them, which are cited to have many health benefits over using standard bleached white flour. Of course, the addition of fruits and vegetables helps! Now both my daughter and husband can have a healthy breakfast when I make these instead of complaining about the boring oatmeal and Cheerios that are typically in the house.

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:50 a.m.



