Spelt-cherry-chia seed bread


I'm not one of those people who get a massive thrill from having their elbows whitened and toned from kneading bread dough, Oh no, that's not me. Call me lazy but I have many other daily struggles and I decided long ago I would take the wide and easy path, tarred by the no-knead methods of Jeff and Zoe of bread in 5 minutes a day, and my King Arthur's dough whisk - and I've made the best bread ever. <br /> <br />This loaf is in honour of my pack of chia seeds, purchased in a fit of shopping fever when I was in Houston at Wholefoods a few weeks ago. I had no CLUE what I was going to do with the seeds but the call for bulk bin recipes got my creative juices going. The result was proclaimed by my husband as the best bread I've ever made.....and how truly delicious salted butter tastes on bread. My daughters friends asked for slice after slice on their playdate, no put off by the brown 'wholegrain' tint of the crumb (while my kids looked on and zipped their lips). *Sigh* <br /> <br />Chia seeds taste (remind me of) millet grains, with a nice and nutty flavour. I love that texture encased in the softness of the mie (French for inside)

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:50 a.m.



