Scamorza alla pizzaiola

Pizza Italian cuisine

This is a dish that my Tuscan husband's grandfather, who was from Puglia in southern Italy, would make for himself on days when he came home late from work. In fact, it works just as well as a late night supper for one as it does for an emergency quick lunch for a clan, just adjust quantities and go with what you have – if you don't have scamorza, you can use fresh mozzarella (be aware that it will release more liquid, so you may want to reduce the tomato to a thicker consistency) or provolone. But really, any good melting cheese could work well for this. <br /> <br />I'd been searching for a name for it because in the family this dish doesn't really have a name, it was simply a homely quick meal that Nonno Mario used to whip up – but it turns out there is a name for this kind of melted cheesy goodness. In general it's known as *alla pizzaiola* (“in the manner of the pizza-maker” because of the use of the same ingredients as a classic pizza margherita), but I discovered many Italian families have a version of this – usually with mozzarella – in their repertoire and it can also be called “pizza pazza” (crazy pizza), “pizza alla povera” (poorman's pizza) or mozzarella in padella (simply, mozzarella, or whatever cheese you're using, in a pan). Some like to put a touch of heat in it, others sprinkle over dried oregano -- take this as an idea and make it yours to suit your taste.

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:50 a.m.



