Rhubarb with earl grey tea, cardamom, and orange zest


The last time I purchased rhubarb there was a fellow shopper eagerly inquiring as to how I prepared my rhubarb. She explained how the crimson stalks had always left her feeling baffled. During my prior purchase I was met by another shopper who explained how rhubarb had always intimidated her. She wanted to know what I did with mine. <br /> <br />I just assumed everyone knew what to do with rhubarb. I thought I was the last to embrace the crimson stalks. Not so. So this post is for all of you rhubarb virgins. <br /> <br />I am on a mission to spread the simplicity of fine (and simple) rhubarb preparation far and wide. <br /> <br />I've been especially inspired by Tara's tribute to rhubarb on Tea & Cookies, Molly's recent rhubarb post on Orangette, and by Ruth, my next door neighbor in Point Reyes Station, who spoke of her rhubarb plant so lovingly. <br /> <br />Sweet cool cream on warm chunks of rhubarb and apple infused with Earl Grey tea, cardamom, and orange...mmm. This recipe came after experimenting with several variations on this theme. I've decreased and increased the sweetness. Dark brown sugar was substituted for white and then white for dark. Vanilla was added and then subtracted. I tried a version with star anise and one with juniper berries before settling on Earl Grey tea, cardamom, and orange zest. This is, without a doubt, my favorite so far. <br /> <br />It is good cold too. I just checked. It thickens as it cools and I prefer the cooled texture (and color), but I would not give up that first warm taste with the cool melting ice cream. No no no. This is a big batch, eat it both ways. <br /> <br />Rhubarb atop pancakes with powdered sugar and a bit of lemon zest is another delicious serving suggestion. I'm sure this recipe would also be wonderful beside some fresh ricotta, served over oatmeal with a bit of cream, topping a bowl of Greek yogurt, or with shortcake and lightly sweetened whipped cream. So many possibilities. Let me know how you decide to serve yours. <br /> <br />I will continue to experiment. I hope you will be experimenting too. Don't be shy, rhubarb is very forgiving (and oh-so-tasty). - chez danisse

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:50 a.m.



