Pizza with white wine crust, italian sausage and artichoke hearts

Pizza Italian cuisine

Several months ago, I served at a last-minute dinner party – with great success – the chicken, Italian sausage and artichoke dish featured in a “Cooking from Every Angle” blog post by Merrill. This pizza uses most of the key ingredients of that dish, minus the chicken. White wine, used to deglaze the pan in which the onions are cooked, mildly flavors the dough. You don’t have to make the dough with white wine, if you have another dough that you like, but it does make the pizza taste good -- not to mention that the dough smells divine while rising. And, as with any pizza I make, cheese is strictly optional. A small handful of coarsely grated pecorino Romano would go nicely. Either way, enjoy!! ;o) <br /> <br />

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:50 a.m.



