Mango coconut cardamom muffins

Cupcakes and muffins

Some of my favorite foods are those that contain that extra hit from fresh spices or herbs in unique combinations. Just a couple of ingredients can change something from average to really good, and the orange zest and ground cardamom are definitely the game changers in this recipe. While you're making these muffins, be sure to dip your finger in the mango purée after blending, and breath in the fragrance of the cardamom when you mix it into the flour. Mmmm. <br /> <br />This muffin recipe makes use of coconut pulp leftover from making fresh coconut milk. The pulp is a light and fluffy flour-like substance that remains after straining the milk. For a basic muffin recipe template, I used Mark Bittman's "Muffins, Infinite Ways" from How to Cook Everything Vegetarian, and to verify the ideas I had for main ingredients I used The Flavor Bible by Andrew Dornenberg and Karen Page, a great resource for finding complimentary flavors in food. The resulting muffins are loaded with healthy ingredients like coconut milk, whole grain flour and mango, and achieve a wholesome sweetness with medjool dates. They're a perfect grab and go breakfast, and would also be wonderful as part of a breakfast brunch. Anyway you prefer them, be sure to savor the experience.

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:49 a.m.



