Grilled steak and romaine salad with coconut dressing



Inspired by a recipe in Donna Hay's <em>Off the Shelf: Cooking from the Pantry</em>. <br /> <br />Minimal ingredient list, simple process, bright, fresh flavors—the virtues of this salad in a nutshell. <br /> <br />Beef: Feel free to use any cut you like. I love skirt steak for its flavor and quick cooking time. Amazingly, I found 100% grass-fed steak at my, as Kristen Miglore says, unpleasant grocery store, and it was very tasty. Also consider boneless, skinless chicken thighs, pork tenderloin, tofu—many proteins could be substituted for the steak. <br /> <br />Grill: An outdoor grill is preferable to prevent smoking yourself out, but an indoor grill will work, too. You don't have to grill the vegetables—I like a mix of half grilled and half fresh, but this is just my preference.

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:49 a.m.



