Georgian herbed kidney beans salad (lobio mtsvanilit)

Georgian cuisine

Lobio Mtsvanilit is a traditional Georgian very flavorful bean and 5 fragrant herbs salad, or side dish. Originally it is made only with dark red kidney beans using the soaking/ cooking of beans method, but in summer time I try to avoid the long cooking process and use good quality organic canned beans. I also like to mix kidney beans with Cannellini for a brighter and more colorful look. This salad would be even better with an addition of some coarsely chopped walnuts, which Georgians are using in most of their savory and sweet dishes. Make this unique salad for your BBQ or take it to a picnic and it will add a lot of flavor to your dishes.

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:49 a.m.




georgian herbed kidney beans salad
