Crisp coconut cabbage salad à la exki


One of my favorite spots for a quick bite in Paris is a chain called Exki, which has an amazing selection of fresh, healthy, natural, delicious vegetarian dishes. I was so impressed by one dish — mahina — that I snapped a picture of the ingredients and made it as soon as I got back home. Mahina is a crunchy salad that combines green cabbage, coconut, and apple, along with a few seasonings. At first glance, it doesn’t look like much, but it is delicious – crisp, complex, tart, and just a little sweet. The version I had at Exki was a little monochromatic, but using a red apple with its skin on instead of a green or peeled one fixes that, as does adding some bigger pieces of cilantro.

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:49 a.m.



