Coconut-date muffins

Cupcakes and muffins

The muffin really is the great afterthought of the baking world. <br /> <br />It’s not sexy, it’s not especially pretty, and Dominque Ansel probably ain’t gonna produce a 1000-person line out of his front door by genetically splicing one with a donut. <br /> <br />Which is sad, really. There’s something warm and comforting and honest about the muffin that its flashy, frosting-crowned cousin the cupcake just can’t replicate. Hell, you can’t even eat a warm cupcake without the frosting sloughing off the top like a gross dessert snake shedding for the winter. That’s point one for our friend, the muffin. <br /> <br />So, yeah, they’re not cool. And Coconut-Date Muffins don’t sound very cool either. So what? Your taste buds don’t give a shit whether they’re eating something cool for breakfast, and you shouldn’t either. Stop relegating the muffin to a sad, shrink-wrapped corner of your local Starbucks-like and start giving it the respect it deserves. <br /> <br />And give it a mug of tea, too. It probably gets thirsty over there in the corner.

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:49 a.m.



