Chocolate covered strawberry profiteroles


The other night, I was in the kitchen (go figure!), when the following conversation took place– <br /> <br />S.O.: What’cha making out there? <br /> <br />Me: Profiteroles <br /> <br />S.O.: Old dinner rolls? <br /> <br />Me: Profiteroles <br /> <br />S.O.: What kind of rolls? <br /> <br />Me: Cream puffs <br /> <br />S.O.: Ohhhhhhh, cream puffs! Why didn’t you say that in the first place? <br /> <br />Old Dinner Rolls? Obviously some people don’t appreciate my venturing into the world of French cooking, ha! Sometimes I guess I’m just too darned fancy for my own good. <br /> <br />According to, the definition of profiterole (pro-fit-er-role) is: miniature cream puff with sweet or savory filling. I think the size of mine exceeds that of the definition. But what do I know? I’m not French. I’m just an ambitious Hoosier girl, and we grow everything big around here! <br /> <br /> Have you ever seen extravagant pastries in bakeries or restaurants and thought about making them at home, but assumed the technique was too difficult? That’s the way I felt about cream puffs or eclairs. So I decided to do some research, and heck, they’re incredibly easy to make! Cook it, pipe it, bake it, split it, fill it–done. I’m just not sure how a person could screw these up. And it doesn’t really take too long to whip them up either. Just be sure to leave enough space between them on the baking sheet, because they truly will PUFF! <br /> <br />Since we’re getting close to Valentine’s Day, I fashioned the filling after the cheesecake filled chocolate covered strawberries that I see all over the place. <br /> <br />So why not give these a shot? Your own S.O. will think you’ve been secretly taking French pastry classes; when in actuality, you learned about them from an ambitious Hoosier girl. And when people ask you what they are, you can say Old Dinner Rolls! <br />

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:49 a.m.



