Chicken laksa

Chicken second courses

If you’ve already taken a quick glance at the list of ingredients, you will have noticed that it does in fact use 10 dried red chiles -- it is a hot, fiery soup, but one that is tempered down delicately by coconut milk. Even though laksa is technically more Malay/Singaporean, rather than Thai, it takes me right back to the amazing street food stalls of Bangkok -- maybe because the ingredients of these cuisines lie in a pretty similar ballpark. <br /> <br />Laksa is usually served with some variation of seafood added to it. Prawn and mussels are my favorite and I would’ve gladly used them here if it wasn’t for the fact that my husband is allergic to any and all types of crustaceans. So I improvised with chicken (merely pointing out that you could consider that option as well). <br /> <br />If you have some extra time to spare and are in need of an upper-body workout, it really helps to use a mortar and pestle to pound the spice paste. I’ve tried it in an electric grinder, too, and it really does make a difference to do it by hand -- you get to control the exact texture of the mixture and what you end up with is an aromatic, full-bodied paste that beats the blender method hands down. <br /> <br />I hope you enjoy this bowl of goodness as much as my family and I did!

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:49 a.m.



