Chestnut wild rice in green tea


The inspiration for this dish comes from a similar Japanese dish called hitsumabushi. Unlike the inspiration, my dish does not call for eel (though if you’re a fan – go for it!). Essentially a rice dish layered with unagi (eel) eaten by many connoisseurs in the following order: 1. As is, 2. Topped with chives, wasabi, + nori 3. Topped with chives, wasabi, + nori, then soaked with tea. The last stage is quite simply the best. If you’ve never had rice soaked in tea, you must try it. <br /> <br />The beauty of this dish I’ve created is the lightness. I sometimes eat dinner past 9:00 so my body is naturally craving something that won’t weigh me down. This dish taps that bar and so many others – easy to prepare, healthy, fills you up, comforting, warming, etc. etc. I do encourage you to go for de-caffeinated tea if you’re eating it late at night. Unless you’re immune to caffeine… :).

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:49 a.m.



