Bacon-waffle-grilled-cheese sammich



"Sandwich" really does not apply here. The very word conjures up rules about crusts, watercress and cucumbers. <br /> <br />When you take a buttermilk waffle and make it into a Buttermilk Black Pepper Bacon Waffle, then you coat it with butter, grill it in a pan and melt a half cup of cheese between those two slabs of bacon-y waffle divot-ed goodness... that my friends is a SAMMICH. <br /> <br />This perversion came about one day experimenting with savory waffles, throwing the fridge at a batch of waffle batter, nearing the end when I thought "Hey, I have bacon... and cheese...!" <br /> <br />Waffle recipes generally call for a 1/2 cup of fat/oil/melted butter. In this recipe, substituted half the oil for bacon fat ('cause that's how I roll) and skipped the salt all together, the bacon brings enough salt on it's own. <br /> <br />Pairs well with a cold beer and reality shows...

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:48 a.m.



