Abc tart: apple, bacon and cheddar


Mid to late winter I always end up with some apples that are just not quite that sweet on their own. Glazed with some maple syrup and butter and combined with two of my other foods (bacon and cheese), there is a real winning combination. This makes me forget that winter goes on so long in Chicago. <br /> <br />This recipe is a bit nostalgic in that it plays up the collaboration between bacon and maple syrup that has been happening on breakfast plates for years. <br /> <br />I used a lightly sweetened tart dough, so the candy like bacon mixture and apples can shine. Also, I made enough for two tartlets, and I just freeze any leftover dough for more tarts or cookies later on. Leftover apples make a good start to a quick German apple pancake. <br /> <br />Enjoy!

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:48 a.m.



