Cookies & cream cupcakes (vegan)

Cupcakes and muffins

Jump to RecipeCookies and cream is one of those perfect combinations when you just know it is going to be delicious. It is a pretty safe best that most people are going to enjoy a chocolate biscuit, and I am yet to meet someone who doesn’t like cupcakes, so this recipe is bound to be an instant crowd pleaser. Seriously, do you know anyone who doesn’t like cupcakes? I am sure they don’t exist. Anyway, I always assumed that Oreo’s, with their creamy centre, automatically qualified for my no eat list as surely they contained dairy. Only a few months ago I was reading a blog which informed me that Oreo cookies are in fact vegan. A quick check of the packet next time I was in the grocery store confirmed it. Who knew!? Wanting to fully embrace this news I began to think about a cookies and cream cupcake using Oreos. It would be based on the chocolatey cookie flavour of the oreo but with the sweet and soft deliciousness of a vanilla cake. Some recent baking attempts made me feel pretty confident that I could make the cake taste how I was imagining while being not only dairy-free […]

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:30 a.m.



