Anti-inflammatory power mango smoothie


This smoothie came about last week when I realized I hadn't followed my own grocery list to the "T." I was going to make the Tropical Turmeric Cleanser, and I had failed to pick up frozen pineapple. I was also in the throes of sugar detox, and it is advised the best thing to help combat that awful feeling of seasickness, is with lots of protein. So I let that smoothie be the template for this one, and made some minor major tweaks to make it suit my own tastes and needs. I added in hemp seeds, a powerful complete protein that would ensure I got a much needed extra dose of the stuff. Hemp seeds are one of the widely hailed "superfoods" and while I won't make wild and powerful claims of its healing properties, I do know that in a smoothie, the taste is well-hidden, but topped on salads and oatmeal, it adds a nice and subtle mild crunch. I also subbed spinach for kale because I notice that kale in my smoothies, but not in my juices, has a tendency to give me an upset stomach. I did make

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:29 a.m.



