Potato pizza with arugula-garlic scape pesto

Pesto Italian cuisine

I've been making a lot of pizza lately. I got a pizza stone for my birthday so that's been my excuse. Not that anyone should ever need an excuse to make pizza! And while pizza stones definitely make for a better pizza crust, it doesn't mean you can't make delicious pizza at home without one. So don't shy away from this recipe if you don't have a pizza stone. The best part about homemade pizza is getting to play with your toppings. I've had potato on pizza before, but this is the first time I've ever made a potato-topped pizza at home. Usually I try to avoid carbohydrate-redundancy like this (potatoes AND bread all in one – yikes!). But this pizza is just so good that it is totally worth it. I had some lovely little scallions in my CSA box, so I threw those on as well. My CSA box findings were also the inspiration for this pesto recipe. Last week I received garlic scapes and a big bunch of arugula. So into the food processor they went. This pesto isn't for the faint of heart. The garlic

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:26 a.m.



