Homemade pixie sticks


Pixie sticks. aka kiddie crack. I couldn't say how many of these sugar shots I downed as a child... oblivious, of course, to the fact that their cheerful fruity flavors probably contained a laundry list of ingredients, not one of them fruit. But, hey. Kids don't care about that stuff. As long as they have their sugar. Indeed, pixie sticks were one of my favorites, along side Smarties and Reese's (you know, a good, balanced diet). So when a random tweet pointed to a recipe for a homemade pixie stick, my sugar sensors kicked into high gear. A few weeks and a few more bucks later (hey, I HAD to buy the new coffee grinder. Couldn't have my pixies tasting like espresso, now, could we? Although... now that you mention it...) I had a handful of homemade pixie sticks. In flavors that 12-year-old me could never have imagined. Mango. Blueberry. Strawberry vanilla. Chocolate raspberry. Granted, it wasn't easy, per say (stuffing sticky sugar into itty bitty little openings is harder than it

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:26 a.m.



