Dark chocolate cocoa nib caramels


Isn't it amazing to think, that just over a two years ago I was terrified of caramel? Like, honestly truly scared I was going to burn my face off or something. And ruin a few pans while I was at it. Now I can't get enough. I've made peach caramels and gingerbread caramels and whiskey caramel sauce and can confidently say my fear of caramel has officially been conquered. These dark chocolate caramels taste like the convergence of buttery caramel and dark chocolate tootsie roll, soft and chewy and intensely chocolate. On a whim, I scattered some cocoa nibs I had on hand on the candies as they were cooling, to add a bit of visual and textural interest. Despite the inherent stickiness of caramel, they didn't stick quite as firmly as I'd hoped, so I had to be careful when cutting and wrapping so as not to lose all of the crunchy bits. But simply adding this one element of crunch to an otherwise smooth confection was a revelation. I made this batch of caramels with my grandma in mind. We

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:26 a.m.




dark chocolate cocoa nib caramels
