Herb crusted lamb rack with yoghurt sauce


Lamb is a super fancy meal that needs to be roasted forever and should only be eaten on seasonal occasions, right? No way, Jose! Yes, it can be fancy, and yes it most certainly should be eaten during the holidays, but I am a firm believer that rules are meant to be broken, so won’t be letting any of this restrict me… oh, but it is Easter, so why not just go with it? Lamb can be considered fancy, possibly because of its price tag – but really, anything can be made fancy these days, can’t it? Seriously, we don’t cook a lot of lamb in our household – and to be honest with you, I’m not sure why. When I decided I wanted to cook some lamb this weekend, I had to ask myself, “How do you cook a rack of lamb again?” The answer though, really is quite simple. And when it comes to a meat with such a deep, rich flavour, I truly believe simple is the only way to go. It needs to be simple so that tender meat can really shine – and so you can dish it up with a sock-knocking sauce! So this […]

Oct. 1, 2021, 11:26 a.m.



