Open pie made of puff pastry with zucchini and cheese
Ukrainian cuisine
Mediterranean diet

30-60 minutes
12 Ingredients

Ready-made puff pastry is a real find for those who love baking, but do not like to mess around with it for a long time. Crispy, airy, and most importantly - universal. After all, the options for what can be made from puff pastry are simply countless. Today I suggest baking a pie with a filling of zucchini fried with onions and garlic and hard cheese in an egg filling - an excellent option for lovers of snack savory pastries. When cooled, the filling of the pie is stable, so the cut is smooth and beautiful. Due to the fact that ready-made puff pastry is used, the process of making the pie is significantly simplified, and the result will please you with a thin base and a crispy edge with sesame sprinkles. The pie is soft and tender, with a light piquant note of garlic. It is very tasty!
- Yeast-free puff pastry - 400 g.
- Zucchini - 2 pcs.
- Hard cheese - 100 g.
- Onion - 1 pc.
- Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
- Garlic - 2 cloves.
- Sesame - 2 tsp.
- Salt - 0.5 tsp.
- Italian herbs - 0.5 tsp.
- Sunflower oil - 50 ml.
- Milk - 50 ml.
- Dill - 2-3 sprigs.
Cooking steps
Step 1:
Take the frozen puff pastry out of the freezer in advance so that it becomes elastic. Turn on the oven to preheat at 200 degrees.

Step 2:
Peel the onion, cut into quarter rings. Wash the zucchini, cut into 3 mm thick circles.

Step 3:
Place the onions in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Add the garlic passed through a press. Stirring, sauté the vegetables until lightly golden.

Step 4:
Add the zucchini to the onions and garlic. Mix, continue frying the ingredients together until soft.

Step 5:
Put the vegetables in a deep bowl, cool to room temperature. Add 2 chicken eggs, coarsely grated hard cheese, salt and Italian herbs to the filling. Mix the ingredients until smooth.

Step 6:
Roll out the dough on a silicone mat or a work surface sprinkled with wheat flour into a 4-5 mm thick layer. Place the dough in a heat-resistant baking dish with a diameter of 24 cm, form the sides of the future pie.

Step 7:
Place the filling of vegetables, hard cheese and eggs on the dough.

Step 8:
Fold the edges of the dough over the filling, forming curly sides. Using a culinary brush, grease the sides of the pie with milk and decorate them with sesame seeds.

Step 9:
Put the zucchini pie made from puff pastry in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Step 10:
Cool the finished pie to room temperature and transfer to a serving dish.

Step 11:
The pastry holds its shape well and is easy to cut into portions.

Step 12:
Bon appetit!

Aug. 22, 2024, 6:56 p.m.