Raspberry vanilla smash lemonade


One thing I don’t want to hear about at the moment: fall. No. Just no. I’m not ready. I don’t want to hear about pumpkins or yellow leaves or sweaters. Not just yet. Let me enjoy this sweltering heatwave. Let me enjoy the pool (if I can find one). Let me just enjoy the now, which is usually so hard for me to do, okay? One thing I do want to talk about: ways to not be miserably hot. Firstly, air-conditioning. I typically think air-conditioning is like fake air and fake air is a little weird. BUT, it’s kind of necessary right now. Secondly, if I’m going float around a pool, I want to do it in a donut floatie. Can we all just agree that that’s awesome. And ridiculous. Which means all of us need one. Thirdly, lemonade of all kinds. Specifically this one, because there’s raspberries and a vanilla bean and lemon juice. And, you get to smash the whole thing up which makes it fun! This recipe is not really a recipe. It is a recipe, but it’s almost too easy to be called a recipe. You basically smash three awesome things together: raspberries, vanilla/sugar and lemon …

Oct. 1, 2021, 12:03 p.m.



